Posted on: February 23rd, 2011 47 Comments
If you want to create one of those 360-degree panoramic photographs you don’t need to have expensive equipment, you just need a bit of skill and a good enough SLR camera with the basic settings. You will need a tripod because these kinds of photos are made up of a series of pictures taken from one position as you spin around in a circle. And another important thing is that you need a 360-degree panoramic photograph software package. Once you have your camera ready on your tripod you can start to shoot the set with photos that will eventually be your whole panoramic photo. Move in clockwise direction and make sure that you overlap the pictures by 30-50 percent or else you’ll have lines and distortion.
If you’re taking pictures outside you should choose a sunny bright day, but if you shoot inside make sure it’s bright enough. After the shooting you transfer your photos to your PC which is a quick process for any digital camera. Use your time to fix it in the software and eventually you’ll have your 360 degree panoramic photography.
Tags: panoramic photographs
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360 Degree Reverse Photography
If you want to create one of those 360-degree panoramic photographs you don’t need to have expensive equipment, you just need a bit of skill and a good enough SLR camera with the basic settings. You will need a tripod because these kinds of photos are made up of a series of pictures taken from one position as you spin around in a circle. And another important thing is that you need a 360-degree panoramic photograph software package. Once you have your camera ready on your tripod you can start to shoot the set with photos that will eventually be your whole panoramic photo. Move in clockwise direction and make sure that you overlap the pictures by 30-50 percent or else you’ll have lines and distortion.
If you’re taking pictures outside you should choose a sunny bright day, but if you shoot inside make sure it’s bright enough. After the shooting you transfer your photos to your PC which is a quick process for any digital camera. Use your time to fix it in the software and eventually you’ll have your 360 degree panoramic photography.
Tags: panoramic photographs
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